​We are always thankful when people financially support us. We never take your financial giving lightly and are always grateful and careful with what is given. Your gift helps us to plant seeds for the kingdom and makes a real difference.
Please use this form to make a one-off or monthly donation.
If you have any problems using the form or would prefer to make a transfer directly from your bank account, please see the details below.
You can give regularly by standing order or you can make one-off payments. Giving regularly is a great way to support Mustard Seed as it allows us to plan in advance for church activities and development. To give directly from your bank account, please set up a standing order with your bank to the following bank details.
Mustard Seed Edinburgh
Co-operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67245675
To help us identify your gift, please use the reference 'giving' in your transaction.
Gift Aid
If you are a tax payer you can opt to include Gift Aid in your giving. Completing a Gift Aid form enables us to claim an additional 25% of your gift. We would so appreciate it if those who give financially could complete the Gift Aid form.
Please return completed forms to Niall Sherriffs:
Email address:
Postal address:
FAO Niall Sherriffs
Mustard Seed Edinburgh
(St Margaret's Church)
170 Easter Road