Social Justice is whaT draws many people To Mustard Seed
We are fuelled by a passion for the Kingdom of God and an understanding that Jesus had a commitment to connect with those who find themselves in poverty and on the edges of society.
Our founding values were kindness, hospitality, justice, creativity, and joy. While they have all been relevant to our development as a community, the first three have had the greatest influence on our evolving approach to worship and service.
We see kindness as important in a world which can be difficult to navigate, providing an opportunity for second chances to be discovered.
In terms of hospitality, we have seen the table at the centre of much of our life as a church. We believe that sharing food - along with space for conversation - positively changes things. How we put this into practice in our ministries and worship continues to change over time. For example, we increasingly aspire to see hospitality as a pathway to belonging rather than a goal in itself.
Justice remains a fundamental value in much that we do. We long for a kinder and fairer world. We desire a transformation of community where those facing or having faced injustices find a place and a voice.
Our desire is to walk alongside people who find themselves marginalised. We like to partner with local agencies, charities, churches and volunteers to engage more deeply with this issue.
Here are some useful resources where you can get help and support nearby.
This document gives a list of where meals are available in Edinburgh
Edinburgh City Mission - Crisis Help and Support
Includes places you can get free food without a referral, housing and homelessness support, help with emergency money or debt, addiction, help for women in sex work, and more.
Support for families, young people, people who are sleeping rough and those recovering from addiction.
Support if you’re homeless or at risk of being homeless.​
Provides help to people experiencing homelessness or addiction.​​

Understanding that poverty and homelessness are complex and nuanced issues, we have partnered with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to provide several services that seek to help people withstand whatever storms may come their way.
Our Debt Centre provides counselling and debt support to help people across the north half of the city to escape from the burdens and grinding poverty of debt.
We also run the CAP Job Club and CAP Life Skills services. Job Club is a friendly place where you will get practical help as you seek employment.
Life Skills is a friendly group where you’ll gain practical skills and discover new ways to live for a brighter future.

For I was hungry
and you gave me somethiNg to eaT
I was thirsty
and you gave me somethiNg to driNk
I was a stranger
and you iNvited me in
- Matthew 25:35